Local Catch started in a small town on the coast of North Carolina. The idea was simple but not yet introduced to the world. Local Catch is a innovative platform that streamlines communication between individuals and businesses within the seafood industry.

Meet the creator...
Hi, my name is Landon Hill, owner, operator, and creator of Local Catch. Fishing has always been a major passion of mine. Growing up, I spent my free time surf fishing, that was until I was trusted to drive a boat. After that, a whole new world was opened up to me. I knew from a young age that my career path had to be something fishing-related. I started Local Catch in 2021 recently after graduating from the University of North Carolina Wilmington with a Bachelor's degree in Entrepreneurship and Business Development. I am super excited to have you a part of this journey and hope you enjoy all we have to offer.
Local catch is simply a platform for commercial fishermen to connect with buyers. We do not employ commercial fishermen, restaurants, seafood markets, or individuals. We are not responsible for the quality of product sold within the app. We are not responsible for any false given information. Please reach out for any questions or concerns.Local catch is simply a platform for commercial fishers.
If you have any questions or concerns about quality of seafood and how to properly cook or consume, please refer to a local sepcialist in your area. Local Catch only connects commercial fishermen with licensed dealers. Seafood markets and licensed dealers are required to continue to abide by federal, state, and local rules and regulations. Seafood markets and licensed dealers are to abide by FDA rules and regulations when participating in all business inside and outside of the Local Catch app. When signing up for the Local Catch app, all users are asked to read and agree to the terms and conditions that highlight safe and legal practice. If you would like to learn more about safe and legal practice please refer to your local department of marine fisheries or the FDA. If you would like to learn more about Local Catch please fill out the contact form found on our "contact" page.